T o x i c
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Story Summary

T o x i c is the story of the secret world of Vampires that exists behind the human world, an ancient legacy written in blood that is in many ways parallel to that of humans but widely shunned by them. The story takes place in 2050, when humans are slowly becoming aware of the Vampires' existence, and being a Vampire is as good as having a death warrant written in your name.
A safe haven amid the prejudice is the Maison de Nuit (House of Shadows), a large manor in an undisclosed location that houses Vampires and a few other creatures who are rejected by the human world. However, in this "safehouse", the treatment from many of the Vampire Elders is becoming increasingly violent and brutal, and as the sense of security begins to dissolve, the sacred faith of the Vampires in their Masters is slowly beginning to deteriorate.
For a young Vampire named André, when he witnesses the repeated abuse of a human boy named Dimitri in the House who is training to become a Vampire, this faith in his Master eventually crumbles completely. Eventually there will come a time when he must ultimately choose to remain in relative safety in the house or brave the harsh human world to save Dimitri from the same fate that has claimed himself and all of those around him; to be forever doomed to the life of a Vampire.
you can read the story here, and visit T o x i c's livejournal community here

to read the story's warnings/ disclaimer, click here

©2007 Danie McCafferty/Meikyou