Kounetsu Blood: Puppetmaster

Author's Notes

Liner Notes
Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Notes on characters and other aspects of the story

  • Though V lacks a gender, the character is referred to as 'he', due to the more masculine nature of his character.
  • Ri is present because V is posing as a college exchange student and Ri's family is hosting him.
  • Though V wields guns very naturally, he is not necessarily a violent character. He uses violence only when commanded to, and the weapon-wielding maniac persona is only part of his job.
  • The theme of dark vs. light appears recurringly in the story, for example in contrasting V's changing opinions on Meiji and Miasaki.
  • Being synthetically made, V lacks a family name, but for unknown reasons repeatedly refers to himself as "Hiasashi".

More will be added as needed or if there are any questions...

any questions can be sent to kounetsu.blood@yahoo.com