V is a synthetically created, genderless being known as a Shiyounin. He was created by a scientist who is part of Sector
X known only as Miazaki. V was the first created Shiyounin, which is made clear by the identification number on his abdomen.
Like all Shiyounin, V is genetically engineered to be unable to feel physical pain or any kind of emotion. Despite
this, his demeanor is very sunny and cheerful, and he has a very childish personality at times. He is very carefree
and tends not to worry about anything, which contrasts with Meiji's personality very directly and makes them clash. V also
lacks a gender, but prefers to be called "he" to "it", since he is more masculine than feminine.
Though he is generally content with life, V deeply resents being a Shiyounin, and does everything he can to be more human.
He lives in an apartment located in the facility where he was created; a large scientific lab and testing facility located
in a skyscraper in central Osaka, Japan. He is deeply devoted to Miazaki, his creator, and does everything possible to please
him, even going so far as to make a living as an assassin at Miazaki's prompting. V also has a strange love for anything
with a meat-print motif, and has a shower curtain and rug printed with steak in his bathroom, though he is a vegetarian. V
also frequently calls himself Hiasashii, though it is never completely clear why.

Meiji Hitou |
The nephew of Miazaki, Meiji Hitou is an uptight college student who is currently student teaching in
an elementary school art class. He is often stressed, usually overworked, and can be seen most often chewing on a pen
when he is thinking.
Meiji's conservative personality and reserved nature contrast dramatically with V's, a fact that greatly upsets him.
From the moment V appears to begin his assignment protecting him, Meiji is against the idea and wants nothing to do with V.
He even goes so far as to call V a "creep" on several occasions. Meiji has few friends, preferring mostly to focus on his
work. He does, however, have a close friend named Hiakru, who appears in several instances and appears to be very against
the destruction of the Shiyounin, a subject to which Meiji is indifferent until he meets V.
Meiji's appearance is very professional. He is almost always clean and has short black hair, which he has recurring problems
keeping neat. He also wears a pair of very fashionable glasses, which V teases him for endlessly. Though Meiji appears to
be very uptight, he has a soft spot for children, and eventually for V. Though he had no interest in becoming part of the
situation in the beginning, eventually it is he who will be ultimately responsible for choosing whether V will live or die.

Mini Takimoto |
Mini Takimoto is one of the Chuusei, an upgraded version of the Shiyounin, the ones who will replace
V and his kind and ultimately the reason the Shiyounin are being destroyed. Mini is one of two Chuusei known as Team X, created
by Miazaki's coworker Seian specifically for the purpose of destroying the Shiyounin.
As far as personality goes, Mini is very stubborn and defiant, and slightly spoiled. She is very adamant about protecting
her fellow X, Zero, and is not above inflicting harm on anyone who approaches her wrong. Though in the beginning she despises
V, she grows to have a crush on him, and he makes it very clear he does not return her feelings. One of the key differences
between the Shiyounin and the Chuusei is the Chuusei's ability to feel emotion, and Mini makes good use of this ability, though
often it works to her disadvantage.
Team X's first assignment after they are developed is to destroy V, but they end up joining he and Meiji in the war against
the Shiyounin's destruction once they learn the truth.

Zero Saiai |
The other member of Team X, Zero Saiai is very different from his teammate, Mini. He is quiet, shy,
and pensive, often retreating into his own internal world to think things over when he is faced with stress. Zero is very
considerate of the feelings of others, and is willing to sacrifice his own happiness for the sake of Mini or others who are
close to him. He cares deeply for Mini, and makes it clear to V on several occasions that he has feelings for her, though
she does not return them and instead has feelings for V.
Like Mini, Zero has a tattoo of an X on his upper arm, which acts similarly to a bar code. It can be scanned to bring
up all information on him, and all past records that he may have. He also has a tattoo that V pays for on his forearm, which
reads "kept". The meanings of his getting this tatoo are unclear, as is much else about him. Zero's real name is unknown,
but it is clear that he doesn't like it. He was created before Mini, and thus his identification number is 0, which he
adopted as his alias.

Miazaki |
Miazaki is V's creator. Little is known about him aside from the fact that he is a scientist in his forties and
he develops Shiyounin for a living. Though his job has made him many enemies, resulting in many assassination missions V must
complete after various ones of them have made attempts on his life, Miazaki is not a violent person. He is very kind and understanding,
and cares deeply for V and others around him. He has a younger brother and a son, but not much else is known about his personal
Miazaki lives in a split level house in Osaka, though he frequently visits V in his quarters and cooks for him, because
V's culinary skills are undeniably awful. Though he retired from making Shiyounin several years ago, his research in other
areas keep his reputation high, and he is a very respected man in the world of science.

Ri Mitsurei |
An elementary school student, Ri Mitsurei is ten years old and lives with his older sister in Tokyo.
Though Ri is young, he is close friends with V, probably because he and his sister are V's host family, as he is posing as
a college exchange student while on assignment in Tokyo. Ri is one of the few people who knows the intimate details of V's
life. Ri is in the art class that Meiji student teaches, and causes many problems for Meiji when he brings V to school with
Intelligent and social, Ri is a typical, happy child. Though his parents were killed when he was very young, he is very
content with life, and enjoys spending time with his friends. He likes to include V with his playtime, and he and his friends
often dress V up in Ri's sister's dresses when she is out. He has an outgoing, vivacious personality, and recovers very quickly
from emotional trauma.

Miho Mitsurei |
Miho Mitsurei is Ri's older sister and guardian. She is a classmate of Meiji's in college, and works multiple jobs to
support herself and her younger brother. Miho is very patient, having spent the past eight years of her life raising
Ri. She is also very understanding, and accepts V into her house after he explains his situation, offering him a temporary
home. She is one of the few people how knows the true nature of V's presence in Tokyo, and the two share a mutual sense of
Miho also has a boyfriend named Tenki, who shows up very little but acts as a father figure to Ri. Ri never hides his
hope that the two will be married so he can feel like he has a "real family". Miho and Ri are very close, and though she is
his authority figure, he trusts her completely with all his secrets.
Miho is a mother figure to various characters in the story, and provides a voice of reason among the chaos. She symbolizes
stability when the world around her is in ruins. She even goes so far as to allow Mini and Zero to live in the house for a
period of time.

Seian |
Little is known about Seian. He is one of the lead scientists involved in spawning the Chuusei project,
and is the original creator of the first two successful Chuusei, Mini and Zero. Seian is presumably young, slightly irrational,
and very stubborn. He has a very friendly demeanor similiar to V's, and he is often called childish and irresponsible. He
has a fetish for shopping for clothing, and often takes one or more of the Chuusei with him when he goes. His attitude is
noteable, since he treats the Chuusei not as his creations but as his children or friends.
Though he is very friendly and amiable, Seian's opinions are greatly biased. His father was killed in an accident involving
a Shiyounin, and for that reason he despises them, and is one of the people supporting their destruction. He believes giving
the Chuusei the ability to feel emotion will make them sympathetic, and therefore incapable of creating a situation like the
one that killed his father. He also believes they are far superior to the Shiyounin, and to all other life forms, as well.
He often describes the Chuusei as "perfect". Not surprisingly, the word Chuusei in Japanese translates loosely to mean "flawless".
Seian is seen as very odd by many of those that aren't close to him. His shoulder-length electric blue hair and his odd,
flambouyant choice of clothing make him seen offbeat at best, and he relishes standing out in a crowd.